caviling at
The word "caviling" means making unnecessary objections or complaints. In order words it means to raise trivial and irritating objections.
In the context, hardly anyone blamed others for their deeds. But Thaddeus astonished his coworkers or colleagues when he began to cavil at or make objection at their most unimportant mistakes.
Hence the answer is -- "caviling at".
"Depending on where they live, couples can be fined thousands of dollars for having a supernumerary (extra) child without a permit, and reports of forced abortions or sterilization are common. The law also offers longer maternity leave and other benefits to couples that delay childbearing. Those who volunteer to have only one child are awarded a "Certificate of Honor for Single-Child Parents." Since 1979, the law has prevented some 250 million births, saving China from a population explosion the nation would have difficulty accommodating"
The three sections are the Torah (law), the Nevi'im (prophets) and the Ketuvim (sayings).
The English Old Testament of the Christians' Holy Bible has the same 39 books but categorized differently. While the books have their own identity in the Christian Bible, In the Hebrew Bible, it is not so.
The Hebrew Bible divides the 39 books into three sections, according to their themes.
1. The first section of the book is called the Torah, or the law. This section includes the writings of Moses which became the law of the Israelite people. The books of Genesis to Deuteronomy are included in this section.
2. The second section called the Nevi'im is also the writings of the prophets. Further subdividing them into three sub-branches, they are-
- Writings of the Latter prophets from the Book of Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings.
- Writings of the Latter prophets from the Book of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel.
- Writings of the twelve minor prophets which include the books of Hosea till Malachi.
3. The third section is the Ketuvim which includes the book of sayings of Psalms, proverbs, Job, Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah and Chronicles.