Los fundamentalismos islámicos y judíos, en cuanto fenómenos culturales, constituyen una reacción frente a la modernidad de tipo occidental. El concepto de modernidad remite a un modelo general definido principalmente por la aplicación de los principios generales de la razón. Este modelo está relacionado con ciertas etapas de desarrollo económico, así como transformaciones políticas y culturales hacia la apertura, la racionalización y la secularización (Touraine, 1988).
The reasons why the USSR stole the secret of how to create nuclear warheads can be found in the Cold War.
America, the main adversary of the Soviets during the Cold War period, was a country that had demonstrated its nuclear capabilities to the world in 1945, with the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Therefore, it possessed the necessary technology to end an armed conflicts almost immediately and, consequently, its political power was enormous against countries without nuclear capacity.
The Soviet Union, then, had to equate its military forces if it wanted to politically equate itself with the United States. That is, if it managed to have the same threatening power as the United States, it would have similar political power.
the buying and selling of indulgences.
Mississippian artisans made some unique, but severe objects. Its pottery, jewelry, and masks offer images of human sacrifice. Much of his art includes images of skulls, bones, and eyes that cry. Archaeologists have found these objects throughout the region inhabited by the Mississippians. These results suggest that all people of the Mississippian culture share similar social structure, religious beliefs, and methods of war.