Water shortage, domestic waste, coastal erosion
31. C. Law of Effect
32. D. Innate satisfying stimuli
33. A. Modeling
BF Skinner elaborated the Law of Effect of Throndike by introducing reinforcement. Skinner proposed that behavior that is reinforced is more likely to be repeated and without reinforcement, it would eventually die out.
Primary reinforcers are unconditioned, meaning they are biologically important and learning is not necessary. Examples would be eating, sleeping, sex and the like.
The idea of modelling was introduced by Bandura. As children are surrounded by different individuals, exposed to TV characters and the like, they often observe and imitate the behavior of these "models". At first children are more likely to imitate those who are like them, and then evenutally associate the behavior to rewards and consequences. If the behavior they imitated lead to rewards, they would most likely continue the imitated behavior.
A Democracy economy the sovereignty is held by The people as a whole while In republican are as individuals. D: democratic Party
R: Republican Party
D: Free elections
R: Constitution
Contraites on the goverment: D: no:the majority can impose its will on the minority R: Yes the majority cannot take away certain inalienablerights
C, because it did not start with inventions in the automotive indust<span>ry.</span>
scientist study the earth core by using submarine..