IT is either B or D
as both could happen
Answer:Known as the “Sun King,” Louis XIV centralized power in the monarchy and reigned over a period of unprecedented prosperity in which France became the dominant power in Europe and a leader in the arts and sciences.Jun 12, 202
summary: some of the most interesting things king louis XIV did was that he gained power in the monarchy and became a powerful leader in Europe as the king of arts and science.
"Trickle-down": supply-side economics creates tax cuts for the wealthy.
Supply-side economics suggests tax cuts for the wealthy. Those tax cuts will be used to create new jobs. New jobs will give more money to the middle-class.
This economic policy makes sense in theory and in some cases the tax cuts resulted in more jobs and higher wages. However, mostly it led to a large gap in wealth as the wealthy kept the money instead of reinvesting in jobs and wages. Eventually as the US moved industry overseas, tax cuts for the wealthy meant the expansion of jobs overseas instead of American jobs. Meanwhile the middle-class pay higher taxes to make up for the loss of taxes from the upper class.
Founded in 1865, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party's Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underaround campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders.
The original Klu Klux Klan was founded in Pulaski, Tennessee on December 24, 1865 by former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest, and other war veterans on the losing side of the Civil War, as a backlash during the Reconstruction period when people in the southern states were forced to change their lives.
Free slaves who dared to leave the plantation and even land speculators from the north (Carpetbaggers) were hunted, as they considered that the land in the south would be owned by those who lived there. Terrorism and murder were the methods.
The clan was dissolved by Ulysses S. Grant in the early 1870s through the Civil Rights Act of 1871.
When the Union withdrew its troops in 1876, the clan gained power in many states, and could instead use politics to oppress the dark-skinned population.
Menendang bola adalah gerakan dasar yang paling domainan atau sering digunakan dalam sepak bola.
Berdasarkan perkenaan kaki, teknik menendang dibagi ke dalam berbagai macam seperti menendang dengan kaki bagian dalam, luar, hingga punggung kaki.
Menendang atau tendangan dapat dilakukan untuk menembak, maupun mengumpan bola kepada rekan satu tim.
plz make me as a brainliest