They did not need it to work the fields and they might escape if they learn to read and gain intelligence. A written paper saying you were free would allow them to gain transportation on a train and escape to Canada or Mexico .
An example of an Asian nationalist movement that used nonviolence to gain independence is the Indian independence movement.
During the 1920s, India's independence process was at its peak. In this decade, Mahatma Ghandi appeared as the leader of the independentist movement, and began to propose nonviolent positions to demand Indian independence from Great Britain, such as civil disobedience, strikes, peaceful protests and massive demonstrations without weapons. Eventually these tactics were successful and India gained its independence in 1947.
What were some of the Challenges that saint paul and other early christian missionaries faced? Tension with Jews, authorities, and they were persecuted for their faith. Describe the Scene on the morning of Pentecost from the point of view of one of the people of Jerusalem
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