For every 2 kilometers, there are 5 centimeters. 5 kilometers is 2.5 times more than 2 kilometers. So you multiply 5 centimeters by 2.5 and that is the answer.
Step-by-step explanation:
<span>3x+12-5(x)=22 your answer is -5</span>
To simplify into 1 fraction, remember, we must make the denominator the same
x/ (x-1 ) - 1/ (2-2x)
= -x/ -(1-x) - 1/(2-2x) [see the similarity now? ] [whatever we multiply for the denominator, as long as we multiply to the numerator, it will be ok]
= -2x / -(2-2x) + 1/-(2-2x)
= (-2x+1 )/ -(2-2x)
Step-by-step explanation:
c) parabola and circle: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 times
d) parabola and hyperbola: 1, 2, 3 times
Step-by-step explanation:
c. A parabola can miss a circle, be tangent to it in 1 or 2 places, intersect it 2 places and be tangent at a 3rd, or intersect in 4 places.
d. A parabola must intersect a hyperbola in at least one place, but cannot intersect in more than 3 places. If the parabola is tangent to the hyperbola, the number of intersections will be 2.
If the parabola or the hyperbola are "off-axis", then the number of intersections may be 0 or 4 as well. Those cases seem to be excluded in this problem statement.