currency? or money. It seems quite vague. Each country calls its currency in various ways.
Enrico has trouble differentiating between a tuba's sound and a piccolo's sound. Although a piccolo generates sound waves that are much briefer, quicker than a tuba, he has trouble tracking the variations in the pitch of such sounds.
For music, a note's pitch indicates the note's high or low. It is measured for physics in a Hertz unit. A note that vibrates at 261 Hz is induced by pulsing sound waves at 261 times per second.
I believe the correct answer is Hierarchical Authority
Wеbеr's thеοriеs, dеvеlοpеd at thе turn οf thе 20th cеntury, hеlpеd dеfinе thе еcοnοmic and pοlitical systеms еmеrging frοm thе highly cοncеntratеd authοrity οf hеrеditary rulеrs and thеir suppοrtеrs. Thеy dеfinеd many 20th-cеntury institutiοns. Pοwеr in burеaucraciеs is vеstеd in pοsitiοn, nοt pеrsοn, and authοrity travеls thrοugh thе lеvеls οf thе hiеrarchy basеd οn agrееd-upοn functiοns.
The correct answer is option (b) False.
Differentiation is a technique for determining a function's derivative. Differentiation is a mathematical procedure for determining the instantaneous rate of change of a function depending on one of its variables.
A statement is given "If f is continuous on
[a,b], then ddx(∫baf(x)dx)=f(x)".
The objective of the question is to determine whether the statement is true or false and why.
It is known that the value of a definite integral of a function is always a constant. So, ∫baf(x)dx
is a constant.
It is also known that the derivative of a constant is always equal to 1. Therefore, the correct equation is ddx(∫baf(x)dx)=1.
Thus, the given statement is false.
To know more about integration visit