People usually prefer saving their time by buying at a place where they can find all the necessity products, they pay a few cents more for a single product just because they don't have to visit another store in order to buy the remaining goods.
Sometimes we pay a few cents extra for a product as compared to the same product available somewhere else at a cheaper price because a great variety of product is available.
People usually prefer saving their time by buying at a place where they can find all the necessity products, they pay a few cents more for a single product just because they don't have to visit another store in order to buy the remaining goods.
What are complementary goods? Explain how a change in the price of a complementary good can act as a demand shifter.
When the engineers from FM Global (factory mutual) conduct inspections at industrial facilities, the interest they hired is to protect the companies that insure the properties.
FM Global is one of the global's biggest commercial and business assets coverage and chance management agencies, focusing on assets safety. we've currently ranked #447 on the Fortune 500 list of America's largest companies.
Malcolm C. Roberts is responsible for the strategic and operational direction of FM Global, one of the world's largest industrial property insurers and which insures nearly US$10.2 trillion in business belongings in greater than a hundred thirty international locations.
"FM international" is the communicative name of the organization, while the felony call is "manufacturing facility Mutual coverage organization". FM international has been named the "first-rate property Insurer inside the international” by means of Euromoney mag.
Learn more about FM Global here
it would be C bc they sold something