Temperature can cause an enzymes shape and function to alter due to the fact that once an enzyme reaches its optimum level, if it goes over it begins to denature. If the temperature is below optimum, then an enzyme will work at a slower rate. Also, the pH can affect an enzyme.
Touching, Smelling.
Touching will be useful to detect stimuli like coldness and hotness.
Smelling on the other hand will help to make observations on smell and change in smell. These two are among the five senses that we use to make observations as we record what we see, hear, touch and feel, smell and taste.
We will also be telling you how cancer affects the digestive system and its ability to maintain homeostasis. Body temperature is an example of what affects homeostasis. ... First of all, the digestive system helps you transfer food to your stomach and it takes the good stuff and transfers it using the circulatory system.