The lowest level, which is usually the producers.
This is because on every level of the trophic system, some energy is lost before the next level. So the level with the least lost energy is the lowest
Yes they did. It is generally known that amphibians breathe through their skin.
It is important for scientists to remain open minded about information that they come across in their experiments, so that they do not become biased about the result. it can always happen that the results that come out are contrary to what the scientist expected. It is important to openly accept that the scientists prediction was wrong.
Eu means true therefore it is known as eubacteria
- Thermosphere - Fourth layer of Earth's atmosphere.
- Aurora Borealis - Ionosphere layer of thermosphere.
- Large-scale air turbulence and mixing at this layer - Troposphere
- Stratosphere - Second lowest layer of Earth's atmosphere. No Air turbulence so airplanes fly in this layer.
- The coldest temperatures in the atmosphere occur at the junction- of Stratosphere and mesosphere
- Maximum ozone - Ozone layer in Stratosphere
Atmosphere is formed by mixing of gases. The layers of atmosphere is given below.
1. Troposphere -
- The first layer of the atmosphere.
- Weather occurs in this layer.
2.Stratosphere -
- The second layer of Earth's atmosphere.
- Contains Ozone layer.
3. Mesosphere -
- The third layer above the stratosphere.
- Coldest layer.
4. Thermosphere -
- The fourth layer of the atmosphere.
- Warmest layer.
- Ionosphere - lowest level of thermosphere above mesosphere.
- Aurora Borealis, Northern and Southern lights are seen in this layer.
- Exosphere - outermost layer of thermosphere.
- Satellites are in this layer.
- Outer space with no gravity.