Meet new people that my parents wanted me to meet
Wear clothes that I didn't want to wear
Go to school
Act like the world was this great place
Be the kid my parents wanted me to be
D because to you have to advice what the answer will be
This message applies to our lives because the biggest critic and supporter of what we do should be ourselves. If we can look into the mirror at the beginning and end of each day and be able to look ourselves in the eyes and be happy and contrnt with what we do, who we are, and who we become each day then we have power.
We lose that power in our lives if we lose the ability to look at ourselves in the mirror and be proud of what we do, who we are, and who we become each day. If we don't have those then we are not making the righr decisions.
She feels depressed as hell.
She's probably crinically depressed becuase of her husband's death.