Well, the moment the US intervened with the affairs of the World was the moment that the US could not go back to an isolationist policy. The US simply cannot afford to stop playing a role in world affairs, due to the fact that the US is a capitalist society and that the US has a lot of exports/imports. Unless the US can reach a level of capacity where it is self sufficient, which is currently impossible to do, the US must participate in the affairs of the World in order to survive.
Yes, you have to be a U.S. citizen over the age of 18 to be able to vote
The Pakistani military have accused Afghanistan of sheltering various terrorist groups which launch attacks into Pakistan, while Afghan authorities have blamed Pakistan's intelligence agency, the ISI, for funding warlords and the Taliban, and for basing terrorist camps within Pakistani territory to target Afghanistan.
The Answer is The First one
“It Gave the Allies the advantage to win the war”
To prepare for and during the war factories in the U.S. were changed from civilian to war production. Men had historically been the main source of workers for these factories but a solution had to be found to cope for the losses of men fighting overseas. Women were brought into the factories from their stay-at-home jobs and America saw some of its highest production rates in history. Factories had been converted from producing normal household goods to equipment necessary for the war effort such as planes, ships, and munitions. Americans throughout the nation began portioning smaller amounts of their food and buying fewer unnecessary goods.