Q1: Yes, I believe the Native Americans blamed the Europeans for the virus. They brought it over from England also forced the Native Americans into close quarters on reservations. Native American immune systems were not used to diseases like smallpox and therefore were killed because their immune systems couldn't handle it.
Q2: People may have been scared of the disease because they had no protection against it.
you would earn $5 per hour (20$ / 4 = 5$) so 200 × 5 = 1000$ per 200 hour :)
Not sure it did limit freedoms of Loyalists post Revolutionary War, however during the war I imagine ones that lived in Revolutionary controlled regions were restricted in movment and expression. Most Native Americans however, sided with the British because of the proclamation of 1763. This was an outcome of the French and Indian War and prevented colonists from expanding west of the Appalachians to prevent more conflict with natives. Colonists did not like this, they wanted to expand as far west as they wanted.