It should be the Sixth generation
shortNames = ['Gus', 'Bob','Zoe']
In this assignment, your knowledge of list is been tested. A list is data structure type in python that can hold different elements (items) of different type. The general syntax of a list is
listName = [item1, "item2", item3]
listName refers to the name of the list variable, this is followed by a pair of square brackets, inside the square brackets we have items separated by commas. This is a declaration and initialization of a list with some elements.
The complete python code snippet for this assignment is given below:
<em>shortNames = ['Gus', 'Bob','Zoe']</em>
B. Create a unique External ID field on Accounts in SFDC for matching.
- External ID is used to prevent duplicate records from being created as a consequence of the import operation, when importing custom objects or person accounts.
- An external ID is a specific field that contains the External ID attribute.
- External ID has unique record identifiers from a system that is outside the Salesforce.
- When this option is selected Data Import Wizard identifies existing Salesforce records with external IDs that match the values in import file.
- The External ID field enables to keep unique record IDs from an external system, usually for integration.
- External ID field values should be unique and determine whether or not value are case sensitive can also be determined. For example XYZ and xyz will not be considered same if case sensitive option is not selected.
Completing the items in a series
Auto fill is a function found in software and applications that allows you to input a range of numbers or characters in a specific range and finish the entry you began typing with the program.
AutoFill effectively helps you to build tablets more efficiently, allowing you to fill cells with a set of data quickly, It allows you to create whole columns or rows of data that are centered on other cells' values. Autofill is used in all the rows to fill out a specific feature.