If you want the best possible print, you need to upload the best quality digital file. Sometimes photos might look just fine when you look at them on your computer screen, and you might wonder what’s up with us when we say we can’t print them. Photos that don’t have sufficient resolution will look all blurry and pixilated (blocky with jagged edges) when printed.
Chunking refers to the process of taking individual pieces of information (called chunks) and grouping them into larger units. By grouping each piece into a large whole, you can improve the amount of information you can remember.
B. Aside element
The options for this question are missing, the options are:
A. article element
B. aside element
C. section element
D. content element
An aside element is defined as a section of a page that has content that is tangentially related to the content around the element. In other words, the aside element represents content that is indirectly related to the main content of the page. Therefore, we can say that the correct answer to this question is B. Aside element.