- When policies and laws are set at the state or local level, citizens are better enabled to develop the skills, habits, and dispositions necessary for responsible participation in democratic self-government.
- When states maintain a certain amount of autonomy and independence, they are better able to check the power of the central government and thereby preserve liberty.
Government authority is a synonym for power. It is the basis of any kind of hierarchical organization, especially in the political system. It is a kind of power that is continued over time, stabilized and can be characterized as institutionalized or not, in which subordinates render obedience to the individual or institution holding the authority.
Many people advocate government authority in the larger state sphere, meaning they believe it is right that there is less national government authority. For these people, this would be correct because:
- When policies and laws are set at the state or local level, citizens are better enabled to develop the skills, habits, and dispositions necessary for responsible participation in democratic self-government.
- When states maintain a certain amount of autonomy and independence, they are better able to check the power of the central government and thereby preserve liberty.
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Respuesta: Debemos eligir de forma responsable nuestro gobierno escolar porque serán las autoridades que verán por los intereses de la institución educativa y sus estudiantes, por lo que deben ser fieles a los valores y principios que profese dicha institución.
to deliver electric shocks to a learner for giving incorrect answers
The Milgram obedience studies also known as the Milgram Shock Experiment was conducted at the Yale University which focused on the investigation of obedience to authority and personal conscience and that to what extent the participants are ready to go to be considered obedient. Stanley Milgram divided participants into teachers and learners and order the participants to deliver electric shocks to a learner for giving incorrect answers. This was a highly controversial research however, it highlighted the personal want for acceptance and reward in human beings.