(births/1,000 person's/year) stands at 20.05 this means there's about 20 babies born each year for every 1,000 people.
The French. That’s why it’s called the French fur trade. From 1634 to 1763 half of Michigan’s life centered in the fur trade. It’s French pioneers, suffering great hardships, worked side by side with the “black robes” at the trading post, the mission chapel, and the forest fort.
The continent that has the largest population in the present will continue to be on the first place in the year of 2050 as well. That continent is Asia. By 2050, Asia is expected to have around 54% of the global population, thus over half of it. It has to be noticed though that the percentage in the global population of Asia is actually projected to decrease from the current 60%. Despite the decrease of those 6% in the total global population, Asia still remains far ahead of any other continent in 2050, and will for be for the foreseeable future.
Its C because the Indians got mad after the treaties were not honored and became semi-hostile to which the US gov sent in troops which promptly started several Indian wars.