umm i would answer it but i need to answers to it could you give me those?
There were several reasons why the United States became interested in revitalizing contact between Japan and the West in the mid-19th century. First, the combination of the opening of Chinese ports to regular trade and the annexation of California, creating an American port on the Pacific, ensured that there would be a steady stream of maritime traffic between North America and Asia. Then, as American traders in the Pacific replaced sailing ships with steam ships, they needed to secure coaling stations, where they could stop to take on provisions and fuel while making the long trip from the United States to China. The combination of its advantageous geographic position and rumors that Japan held vast deposits of coal increased the appeal of establishing commercial and diplomatic contacts with the Japanese. Additionally, the American whaling industry had pushed into the North Pacific by the mid-18th century, and sought safe harbors, assistance in case of shipwrecks, and reliable supply stations. In the years leading up to the Perry mission, a number of American sailors found themselves shipwrecked and stranded on Japanese shores, and tales of their mistreatment at the hands of the unwelcoming Japanese spread through the merchant community and across the United States.
The Perry Expedition led directly to the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and the western Great Powers, and eventually to the collapse of the ruling Tokugawa shogunate and the restoration of the Emperor
D. When Perseus discovers he will undertake a journey for Athene.
Along the highway, Perseus becomes more knowledgeable, shown particularly in his communication with the Grey Sisters when he abandons his pity after understanding they are "absurd and satisfied," then later as he progresses "on abruptly" and "recognizes Athene's words." Perseus Accepts Awards from the Gods.
The student Nonviolent act committee was a group created during the civil rights movement. It was created when Martin Luther King Jr. gave a group of students to form a group to support desegregation and give young blacks a voice in the movement. One of the first protests they did was the Greensboro Sit-in. This is where the group went into restaurants and sat in the white reserved seated areas, the restaurants refused service but not retaliate to violence. A lot of the members also participated in an event called Freedom Rides. After Rosa Parks was arrested for not giving up her seat the African American community became enraged and boycotted all public transit systems. One of the last things the group did was participate in Freedom Summer. Durig this Members of the Congress on Racial Equality (CORE) and the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), along with more than 1,000 out-of-state, white people led a campaign to register as many black voters as possible. Everything was going smoothly until members of <span>The Ku Klux Klan accompanied by the police carried out a series of violent attacks against everyone there resulting in false arrests and the murder of at least three people. </span>
Answer: New York, United States
Explanation: :) That is where the statute of Liberty stands showing our freedom!