1. yo voy
2. tu novio va
3. Adela va
4. mi prima y yo vamos
5. Tú vas
6. ustedes van
7. nosotros vamos
8. usted va
9. nosotras vamos
10. Miguel va
11. Ellas van
B . Mexico City
Explaintion :
Because lake Texcoco is there
Answer: Centroamericano.
We need to complete the sentence "Costa Rica fue el primer país __ en desarrollar (develop) la industria del café."
A rough translation of this would be:
"Costa Rica was the first __ country in develope the coffee industry"
The coffee arrived in Costa Rica in early 1700, and the industry started around 1800, then Costa Rica was the first Centro American country in develope the coffee industry, the translation of Centro American is "Centroamericano"
Then the complete sentence is:
"Costa Rica fue el primer país centroamericano en desarrollar la industria del café."