Well silly we would all be dead if it wasnt bonded right
On his visit to the Galapagos Islands, Charles Darwin discovered several species of finches that varied from island to island, which helped him to develop his theory of natural selection.
Darwin's finches are a classical example of an adaptive radiation. Their common ancestor arrived on the Galapagos about two million years ago. During the time that has passed the Darwin's finches have evolved into 15 recognized species differing in body size, beak shape, song and feeding behaviour.
Today, drug-resistant infections are a serious threat to people's health. Hundreds of thousands of lives are lost every year because of infections that can no longer be treated with existing drugs. Discovering new antibiotics, able to kill drug-resistant bacteria, is essential to saving modern medicine.
A structure formed from molecules that combine to make up cells is called an atom.
A germinating seed. This
is due to the fact that the cells of a germinating
seed are actively dividing as the plumule and radicle grow. This growth requires
energy and this is derived from cellular respiration of the stored food in the