The answer is mineral deposits
Mauna Loa last erupted on April 15, 1984.
A fog is just a cloud at the ground. Fog formation can occur in two ways. First, the air is cooled to the dew point which leads to the formation of fog droplets. When the air temperature is the same as the dew point temperature, condensation occurs on tiny particles floating in the air. The second method of fog formation requires water to evaporate from the surface into the air, raising the dew point until condensation occurs.
Lake, -- C) A(n) example of local base level include a stream and or
Terrace, -- E) The flat, broad area surrounding a stream.
Floodplain, -- D) A sweeping bend of a stream which is migrating laterally in a wide, flat valley.
Meander, -- A) A bend in a steep narrow bedrock valley
Base Level -- B) The lowest level to which a stream can erode Remnant of a former floodplain.
- A lake is an example of the be local level is surrounded by the land on all the sides and a terrace is a step-like formation and is gentle spring in nature and a floodplain is a plain that is formed by the and that is adjacent to the base of the rover walls.
- A meander is a sharp turn or bends in the normal course of a rover and the base level is level that the r0ver can erode at the maximum depth and ocean water are considered to be the grand base level.