Well, uniting against a common enemy has always been a great unifier. Plus, literally fighting for freedom made every person fighting believe very deeply in their cause, and so they could overcome differences with each other for that cause.
Social security card is a valid national card that can be used in the event of employment of an individual. The name must be legal, declaring all true information to the application. This includes affixed signature of the person. Social security number can be attributed to part of the salary of an employee termed as tax.
The answer is A. True. People can reduce the number of conflicts in which they are involved if they learn how to identify the causes of conflict. Humans have different communication styles, influences as well as environment. People should learn to see the signs among the people that they are surrounded so that they can prevent any conflicts. Better yet, conflict can be resolved when we learn to understand and solve the problem rather than blaming.
Answer: The answer is provided below
The cash flow statement is an important statement that every organization provides and it shows the inflows and the outflows of the cash and cash equivalents in the organization. It is useful in order to understand the cash movement in an organization, make vital business decisions and also measure organization's liquidity.
Maintaining liquidity during the current pandemic is important for every business and a way of doing this is for the businesses to have funds that will be enough to keep the business running during this period. It is vital for businesses to review their assets and look out for the assets that they can convert to cash which can be used for the operation of the business. Another method is for the business to sell its securities so as to maintain liquidity.