The semicolon is used in the text above, to cause an intermediate effect between the comma and the period. In this case, when he used a semicolon the author was indicating to the reader that it was necessary to pause, in reading, longer than the pause of a comma, but less long than the pause of a point. This is done because the sentence displays a partially complete thought, but it will present more arguments to be finalized.
In a more simplified way, we can say that the use of a semicolon in the text above was made to separate long coordinated sentences with the same syntactic function.
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The persuasive technique that is often used to create brand loyalty by linking a product to something positive is called association. When you use this technique, the main objective is to link whatever idea or product you have to something that is desirable or beautiful. The purpose is to encourage the viewer or listener to link these two together, so that eventually, when he thinks of your product or idea he gets an image of something desirable or beautiful.
Chaucer's character of the Pardoner is a man who's work is tricking people of their money by allowing them to touch a supposedly "holy" bone that is really from a normal animal. The Pardoner is wealthy from swindling people out of their money by promising them pardon for their sins and get them entrance into heaven if they gave their money to him. He has a nice hat and a wallet full of money or pardons as Chancer sarcastically refers to it.