To have a definite shape and volume
There are number of methods for determining the fingerprints. However, most commonly used methods are:
- Photography
- Alternate Light Source
- Cyanoacrylate
Determination of fingerprints is an important method used in forensic science. There are generally three types of fingerprints that are to be determined, namely latent fingerprints, patent fingerprints and plastic fingerprints. There are numerous methods used for the determination of fingerprints. However, most commonly used methods are:
<u>Photography:</u> Photography is direct or straightforward method that is used to determine the patent fingerprints. The image is photographed in a high resolution with the help of forensic measurement scale used as a reference.
<u>Alternate Light Source Method:</u> In this method the light source or LED is used of a particular wavelength in order to determine the latent fingerprints.
<u>Cyanoacrylate:</u> Cyanoacrylate processing is also known as super glue method or fuming method, which involves exposure of cyanoacrylate vapors to the non-porous surface from where the fingerprints are to be obtained.
Cerebral Palsy is a brain injury it occurs while the brain is developing this could be before, during, or after birth. Mutation which is a sudden heritable change in the genome of an individual can result into cerebral palsy when the child is still developing. Mutation affects the gene changing it from it normal state to an abnormal one some mutation can be beneficial but for palsy it is detrimental one affecting the growth and development of the child.
severe jaundice in the infant could also lead to cerebral palsy in an infant child
This damage affects child’s muscle control, muscle coordination, muscle tone, reflex, posture and balance.
It can also impact a child’s fine motor skills, gross motor skills, and oral motor functioning
The oncogenesis process is caused by these mutations in the genetic material of normal cells, which alter the normal balance between proliferation and cell death. As a result there is an uncontrolled cell division and an evolutionary process of these cells through natural selection within the organism. Rapid and uncontrolled reproduction of cells can produce benign tumors and some types of these tumors can become malignant, which is what is known as cancer. Benign tumors do not spread to distant parts of the body or invade other tissues, and usually do not pose a threat to life unless they compress vital structures or have some physiological activity (for example, that they are capable of producing a hormone) . Malignant tumors are able to invade other organs, spread to distant places (a process known as metastasis) and become a threat to life.
Both processes rely on each other to function