The Coptic religion, which was a branch of christianity, was declared, also giving birth to the legend of prester john, which I would look up.
Because Americans felt they were a better society and people than other groups of people (Mexicans/Native Americans) already living out West and somehow that justified them taking over the West. The Mexican government grew frustrated with them moving their illegally.
The term length in the United States Senate would be "6 years," since the Founding Fathers wanted the Senators to be able to make decisions without constantly having to think about re-election.
I believe the answer the answer is Equites. Latin is a language, tragedy is a form of art pieces, and gladiators were common people who fought to entertain crowds.
The Korean War--The goal of the UN was to establish an independent Korea and have elections however the elections were pushed off and did not occur.
In an effort to have a unified Korea, the North invaded the South which resulted in UN action to protect the South. Though the UN with the aide of the US were able to push back North Korean forces, China will join and push the defensive forces back again. The end result was an armistice leaving Korea divided still today.