Answer:In an indemnity claim for material and moral damages, the claim was partially upheld to order the defendant to pay the claimed material damages, and there was no mention of the moral damages requested by the plaintiff Eleutério. As a lawyer of, having expressly requested in the court order the conviction of the defendant to pay compensation for moral damages, uphold the appropriate measure before the omission of the court
1. (a) job sharing
(b) part time working
(c) working flexible hours.
(d) working compressed hours
2. (a) 1. payroll workers
2. typing pool workers
3. car production workers
4. banks workers
5. check out operators
(b) 1. Website designer
2. computer programmers
3. Robot maintenance staff
4. computer maintenance staff
3. 1. can lead to unhealthy eating due to dependency on ready meals.
2. can lead to laziness.
3. lack of fitness and excercise
4. and forth in the above pic.
I dont think so. If ur citing from a book, newspaper.... everything should be written the same as what the book says. Hope it helps :)
10 B answer)
the best title for the passage would be A) since he passage is talking about text message abbreviations.
10A answer)
the maine idea of the passage would be B)
10C answer) maybe A or B would be the answer. I think it would b
most likely be B. I'll leave you to decide if u don't like B. :)