Hi I know Italian too I was born there.
Ciao, anche io so l'italiano
Friendship is a state of affection, respect, intimacy and trust between two people. In all cultures, friendships are important relationships throughout a person's life. Friendship is also a close bond between two people who are characterized by feelings of care, respect, admiration, interest, or even love. The true definition of friendship is the relationship between people who love each other and enjoy each other's company. An example of friendship is when you have a friend with whom you love to do things.
الصداقة هي حالة من المودة والاحترام والحميمية والثقة بين شخصين. في جميع الثقافات ، تعد الصداقات علاقات مهمة طوال فترة حياة الشخص. الصداقة هي أيضًا ارتباط وثيق بين شخصين يتسمان بمشاعر الرعاية أو الاحترام أو الإعجاب أو الاهتمام أو حتى الحب. التعريف الحقيقي للصداقة هو العلاقة بين الأشخاص الذين يحبون بعضهم البعض ويستمتعون بصحبة بعضهم البعض. مثال على الصداقة هو عندما يكون لديك صديق تحب أن تفعل الأشياء معه.
alsadaqat hi halat min almawadat walaihtiram walhamimiat walthiqat bayn shakhsayn. fi jmye althaqafat , tueadu alsidaqat ealaqat muhimatan tawal fatrat hayat alshakhs. alsadaqat hi aydana airtibat wathiq bayn shakhsayn yatasimman bimashaeir alrieayat 'aw alaihtiram 'aw al'iiejab 'aw alaihtimam 'aw hataa alhub. altaerif alhaqiqiu lilsadaqat hu alealaqat bayn al'ashkhas aldhyn yuhibuwn bedhm albaed wayastamtaeun bisihbat bedhm albueda. mithal ealaa alsadaqat hu eindama yakun ladayk sidiyq tuhibu 'an tafeal al'ashya' maeah.
‘1 Which of the following sentences describes one of the characteristics provided by (Akol) to its employees? 1.1
Daily exercises will be carried out during the winter season
Vaccinations will be given during working hours
Years of participants symbolic reward
The injection will be given by a doctor.’
Relative pronouns please provide the proper english translation for each respective latin relative pronoun in the text below. 1. baucis philemonem qui erat coniunx eius (her) amavit. baucis loved philemon ________ was her spouse. 2. mercurius et iuppiter domum (insert to+domum) eorum (their) quae erat parva venerunt. mercury and jupiter came to their home ______was little 3. baucis et philemon deis omnem cibum quo vixerunt (they lived) donaverunt. baucis and philemon gave to the gods all the food ______ they lived 4. dei viderunt cibum esse magnum donum quod baucis et philemon vix (scarcely) donare potuerunt (were able). the gods thought that the food was a great gift _____ baucis and philemon scarcely were able to offer. 5. dei eis (to them) ab quibus magna virtus monstrata erat, donum magnum donare cupiverunt. "unum desiderium habetis" dei dixerunt. the gods wished to give a great gift to them ______ great virtue had been shown. âyou have one wish,â said the
1. ...who
2. ...which
3. ...with which
4. ...that
5. which
6. ...whom
7. ...whose love
Please mark Brainliest:)
It's more what do you put in front of them to let them try. The example usually discussed has mostly to do with shapes and color and properties than it does with a set curriculum. Light is a usual example of what can be tried. One picture was of a couple of kids (very young) who copied the the pattern of shadows that a picket fence produced. They were engrossed in how to record what it looked like and what angle the shadows made. You have at least 2 subjects that are being appealed to.
The main thing is that the project must be student centered. It is not the teacher's job to design a curriculum; it is the student's. Evaluation is done mostly by camera (taking pictures of what the students do), voice recording and other "visual aides." It is not so much pass fail as it is how done.