The city of Troy by the Greeks for ten years in operation. Homer, the greatest poets of the Greek War of the Iliad he wrote a great many soldiers in the wars. Hector, the Trojan, in the southern, in a single battle, by Achilles pushing forward with fierce succumb to them. However, after a battle that the Trojans can not overcome. Finally, the Greeks who are tired are preparing to go home. There is a certain man among the Greeks, Ulysses, a man of the highest virtue and prudence; Greeks are advised to stay away from him. Ulysses does. The horse is to be built to a wooden plate, without the city by the Greeks, Portos, and among the rest. The soldiers, on a horse, that night, there to receive them. The ships sail close to the island by the Greeks. The next day, the wooden horse of Troy in the city. Trojans enjoy and wine. At that night, while they sleep, sleep in the Trojans, the Greeks, who was on the horse, as they are hidden, go down from the horse, and the Trojans are being assaulted. Trojans are defeated by deceit Ulysses. Finally ships to sail from Greece.
Meanings Tappu- avadam 2) Water: Water 3) Sea - Aquatic, 4) fruit; Fruit -As opposites De tapahkaram Atappuga sour 3) Festive season Seo 2) Caution, carelessness what bo we say
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Answer: 私は現在9年生です : Translates to “I am currently in 9th grade
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