While Odysseus battles and his journey are successful due to his intellect, Penelope similarly uses her intelligence to avoid being remarried, even if she does so in a less conspicuous way. Penelope never remarries, and always waits for him.
You could tell your business about how the internet reaches to millions and possibly billions of users that would be willing to purchase your products. More people are likely to discover your business online than in tangible life.
Right Pane.
We are back to Ivan. We found out how he felt about getting married. He was not thrilled, he was not head over heals. He was ... accepting. He was cold blooded like a reptile. He weighed carefully what he thought were her virtues.
- She was passable good looking.
- She had property, and he hoped income.
- She was acceptable to the society he lived in.
- What's not to like? So he married.
The third one is not a big consideration, but it is a consideration. The fact that she was proper added to what he thought of her.
So what to pick?
The last three are not mentioned. So they are not a consideration. He doesn't say, for example, that he yearns for company.
Is there a comment in there about the middle class? Not even inferred. So B is incorrect.
Though it is a minor consideration, A has to be your answer.
Center Pane
Terror, aborrance, decay, suggestive shadows. All these things are present. But he is also thrilled by them. Complex man. He appeals to us for the same reason some people go to horror movies just to be scared out of their minds.
I'd pick B but you could defend at least 3 of them.
Left Pane
I'd pick the first and the last.
You haven't got time to do much else. Certainly the 3rd one is out of the question. I don't think you should be doing the fourth one. Let your essay do that for you. And the second one is almost irrelevant at this point.
First and last.
Good day sir, my name is Takeshi Kumamoto, a chemistry instructor in your school Great Heights Schools. As a great citadel of learning, Great Heights has always been a trailblazer, leading and others struggling to catch up. This has been made possible because of the provision of top class facilities in the school and equally qualified personnel with the school administration making sure we never lack whatever we need to move the school higher.
However, we have gotten to a point where I need your financial assistance in upgrading our chemistry laboratory with newer and better equipment so our students would remain competitive among their peers and learn more effectively.
There is need to replace the bunsen burners because the ones available are old and give inaccurate readings when we perform chemical experiments. There is also a need for new litmus paper, beakers, test tubes, crucibles, conical flasks, etc.
These equipments need to be replaced or new ones added to our chemical laboratory.
Many thanks as you review this application.