People are not aware of the danger coming ahead when they trust people they do not know well. Death comes as a surprise to these characters who cannot escape their fate.They are condemned from the moment they fall in the hands of these monsters who present themselves as benefactors but they are not kind or gentle. Billy had no clue he could be killed by the landlaldy as she disguised her true intentions very well.In stories like this the victimizer does not reveal himself or herself until the very end which makes it impossible for their prey to foreshadow their fate.
Dear Principal’s Name:
My name is NAME and I am in Teacher’s Name sixth grade class. I am writing this letter to inform you about the poor quality of food and service in the cafeteria. Several other students have also noticed this and join me in my complaint. Here is a list of things that we would like changed.
The food is not covered, and there are always flies hovering over it. This can lead to diseases. Three of my friends who ate in the cafeteria had diarrhea last Tuesday evening.
We would appreciate a little more variety in the menu choices. We understand that the choices are limited, but it is not very appetizing to have hot dogs three days in a row.
The cafeteria staff is rude to us when we make selections. We have done our best to be polite, but it hasn’t had any effect on the staffs’ rudeness.
The garbage cans are not emptied every day. This means there is a bad smell when we enter the cafeteria, and it is unsanitary.
We believe these complaints are fair and can be fixed if you will take action regarding these matters. Thank you for taking the time to consider our requests.
Signature of Student
connecting complete thought
<span>The basis of American society has always been the individual and political rights and ideals of freedom and equality.</span>
Please where is the question