The 3 types<span> of skeletal </span>muscle fibres<span> are: Red / Slow,</span> Red / Fast , and White / Fast
Qualitative research
Qualitative research is a type of research method that involves the collection and evaluation of qualitative data, which are non-numerical. This type of research is naturalistic, which involves having a real standing of things the way they are naturally, in order to have a deep understanding.
Using of open ended questions would make consumers choose their own words, and enable the manufacturer to understand the consumers first impression better.
I will try to give you the best answer by completing your statement.
During a marathon, approximately 99% of your muscles needs are met by the OES or Oxygen Energy System. Energy systems are the ones encharge of distributing the energy you need for a certain act.
the nail plate (corpus unguis) is the hard part of the nail, made of transluscent keratin protien