A Federal Republic is what the new government was when the constitution was in use.
It plays a key role in helping select, and elect, candidates for public office.
The party organization is the formal structure of the political party, and its active members are responsible for coordinating party behavior and supporting party candidates. It is a vital component of any successful party because it bears most of the responsibility for building and maintaining the party brand.
For the history of earlier processes, see History of ferrous metallurgy. For recent history, see History of the steel industry (1970–present).
The history of the modern steel industry began in the late 1850s; steel has become a staple of the world's industrial economy. This article is intended only to address the business, economic and social dimensions of the industry, since the bulk production of steel began as a result of Henry Bessemer's development of the Bessemer converter, in 1857. Previously, steel was very expensive to produce, and only used in small, expensive items, such as knives, swords and armor.
People from North America have following characteristics :-
- Good leading skills.
- Show honesty and hardwork in their work.
- With good communication skills.
Suggestion - It would be much better if you ask this question to an other continent ppl.
Hope it helps! : )
Governments can be classified by three different standards: (1) Who can participate in the governing process (2) The geographic distribution of the governmental power within the state (3) The relationship between the legislative (lawmaking) and the executive (law-executing) branches