usually when there's a mutation the genetic material is either deleted, substituted, and instertion of DNA
What? No picture or no question.
<span>The first desirable trait that is being engineered into our crops is sustainability. This means that crops are being bred to be able to grow in adverse conditions, ensuring the ability to sustain our food supply as humans. The second, are the alterations being genetically done to crops to eliminate the need for pesticides. By heightening the crops natural ability to eliminate and deter pests, there are higher yields and the elimination of pesticides seeping into and poisoning the human consumer. And, finally an ability to eliminate the need for traditional breeding in crops. By genetically replicating plants, we are eliminating the chance that the human race may "run out", of seeds, of starts, of the need for pollination. This basically ensures us an unlimited food supply, just in these three traits being bred into our crops.</span>
Answer: Scientists Classify Organisms into Three Domains.
Each domain is subdivided into kingdoms, followed by phyla, class, order, family, genus, and species. We will focus on domains and kingdoms. All living organisms are classified into one of three domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.