Tiredness. The person feels tired
If you eat too little, you may not obtain as much energy as you need. This will make you feel tired
Your answer is going to be homozygous , the answer is C
[B] A middle ear infection.
An example of an acute disease is a middle ear infection. Acute diseases include broken bones, viruses like the flu and rotavirus, and infections like pink eye and urinary tract infections. Sometimes acute diseases can be severe and require emergency medical attention.
Bacteria: are single-celled microscopic organisms that are characterized by the presence of incipient nucleus and few membrane-less cell organelles.
Fungi: are eukaryotes that are characterized by the presence of chitin in the cell wall.
Cell Type: All bacteria are prokaryotes. All fungi are eukaryotes.
Phenotypic Ratio:
Purple Tall: Purple Short: White Tall: White Short