increase protection and communal conservancies
increase protection this one is a fairly basic solution, there are many different ways of implementing it. Some park protection agencies in Africa use drones to keep watch at night, while others have sought out military tactics in order to stop black market poachers. Communal conservancies despite global trends, Namibia has done something extraordinary. Between the years of 2002 and 2013, the elephant population has grown from 9,600 to 16,000. The government of Namibia has policies in action where local communities can establish wildlife tourism, and where communities can keep vast amounts of the revenue made.
In the human digestive system, food enters the mouth and mechanical digestion of the food starts by the action of mastication (chewing), a form of mechanical digestion, and the wetting contact of saliva.
hope this helps!!
1 - natural selection
2 - uniformitarianism
3- inheritance of acquired characteristics
4 - catastrophism
1. Natural selection refers to the evolution of organism or changes in the characterstics of organism depending on the environmental conditions. Hence, the lizard moved on fantasy island evolved with larger head and stronger bites as per the environmental condition.
2. The concept of Uniformitarianism states that the natural geological processes happening in present have already occured in past with same intesity and rate. Hence, geologist uses the phrase "The present is the key to the past" for formation of mountain, rock formation and water movements.
3. Inheritance of acquired characteristics are the characteristic acquird by the ancestors and transmitted that gradually acquired characteristic to their progeny. Hence, the rats acquire the charactieristics and transfered it to the next generations.
4. Catastrophism means the regular occurrence of meteorological and geological disturbances to explain the existence the fossil record. Hence, teh mass exticiton due to asteroid impact is an example of Catastrophism.
So, the correct options in sequential order is natural selection, uniformitarianism, inheritance of acquired characteristics, and catastrophism.
The probability of the son being colorblind is 100% :)