Arrange the list of numbers in increasing order. Three fractions, arranged from left to right, separated by commas. Begin fracti
on three over five end fraction. Begin fraction five over nine end fraction. Begin fraction four over seven end fraction. A. Three fractions, arranged from left to right, separated by commas. Begin fraction three over five end fraction. Begin fraction four over seven end fraction. Begin fraction five over nine end fraction.
B. Three fractions, arranged from left to right, separated by commas. Begin fraction five over nine end fraction. Begin fraction four over seven end fraction. Begin fraction three over five end fraction.
C. Three fractions, arranged from left to right, separated by commas. Begin fraction three over five end fraction. Begin fraction five over nine end fraction. Begin fraction four over seven end fraction.
D. Three fractions, arranged from left to right, separated by commas. Begin fraction four over seven end fraction. Begin fraction three over five end fraction. Begin fraction five over nine end fraction.
The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "D. Three fractions, arranged from left to right, separated by commas. Begin fraction four over seven end fraction. Begin fraction three over five end fraction. Begin fraction five over nine end fraction."
the value of the printer is going down over the years because it is getting older. all you need to do for this is label the x and y axis with the nbers on the graph and then fill it in
has ur teacher gone over how to fill in graphs yet?