Being primarily a teacher, Buddha traveled to nearby
kingdoms to share his insights with those who were receptive and interested. Likewise, he
instructed his monks to go forth in the world and present his teachings. He did not ask others
to criticize and give up their own religion and convert to a new one, for he was not seeking
to establish his own religion. He was merely trying to help others overcome the unhappiness
and suffering that they were creating for themselves because of their lack of understanding.
The Greek tyrant, Peisistratus :)
in many ways
starting from language ,mix of cultures, people fought for the freedom that we have today, inventions that we use till this day for example Thomas Edison wo invented the lightning bulb
Answer: Appointing judges to the court.
Explanation: Firstly, enforcing a law doesn’t really limit the power of the judicial branch because they can simply strike down the law if it’s unconstitutional. Secondly, the President does not have the power to approve judicial nominations. That is only the Senate’s job. The President can appoint or nominate them, but the Senate is the one who approves.
Also, vetoing laws doesn’t limit the Judicial Branch’s power really in any way. Now, the correct answer is: Appointing judges / justices to the courts. This is because this power can not be limited at all by the judicial branch, only by congress. The Senate can deny the confirmation / appointment of a President’s appointee, and the Congress can also impeach that appointee later on for committed high crimes. The Judicial Branch can’t do any of that. The President can limit the Judiciary’s power by appointing judges that will go against any potential agenda of the Judicial Branch. For instance, if there happens to be liberal Supreme Court, whereas a majority of the members of the Supreme Court identify as liberal or were appointed by a Democratic President, a Republican President may want to nominate / appoint a conservative Justice or Justices to cancel out their majority and re-take the majority of the court. Honestly, this was a poorly worded question (not your fault at all, but the person who wrote it) because this doesn’t limit the power of the Judicial Branch in terms of its constitutional structure and powers, it merely limits and restricts the narrative or agenda of the members of the branch. Anyway, your answer is B: Appointing judges to the court.
Alexander the Great destroyed the city of Thebes because he wanted to send a message to the other Greeks that were thinking of revolting like Thebes did. Thebes and other Greek city-states had a pact with Phillip II, Alexander's father, king of Macedonia, that they would be a part of Macedonia. When Phillip died and Alexander took over Macedonia, the Greeks did not want to bow to a 'child' (a 20 year old). Also it had been rumored in the cities that Alexander was dead and it was the perfect time to revolt. That is the reason Alexander the Great destroyed the city of Thebes.