He's certainly not saying anything that even resembles D. He is talking about something created that was not there before. He is talking about a work produced by the agony of the human spirit to create something that was not there before using the tools available to him. It says nothing about being deserving.
A is a specific group to be addressed. I wouldn't pick it. He says nothing about fellow writers, although they undoubtedly benefit from what he says.
C is too specific. He is not really talking about genius. He would have to classify himself that way, and he doesn't.
That only leaves B. I hate multiple guess because the correct answer is embedded in the mind of whoever asked you the question. I don't like B but of the 4 choices it is the only one you could pick. Be very prepared to be told it is the wrong choice.
D. The conversation you write must sound natural for the characters.
More natural conversations between characters make your writing more fun to read. Reading a dialogue that sounds like it could actually happen engages the reader, and creates an investment in the characters themselves. Think of it this way, would you rather watch a movie with good acting or bad acting?
Our daily deeds as ordinary South Africans must produce an actual South African reality that will reinforce humanity's belief in justice,
strengthen its confidence in the nobility of the human soul and sustain all our hopes for a glorious life for all.
I had the same question
the answer is descriptive