a) Two historical examples of self rule and democratic rule are: the colonial assemblies that developed in the colonies, and the election of George Washington as president of the constitutional convention. The colonial assemblies represent a self-ruling government. These governments did not have limits on their power, and were able to rule however they wanted, without representation from their citizens. This showed the Framers of the constitution that a self-ruling government was not the way the United States should be; there should be limits to a government's power. The election of George Washington as president of the constitutional convention shows democratic rule. The people had a say in who was elected, and this further inspired the Framers to institute this in the Constitution.
b) It is seen in both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution that enlightenment philosophy had some influence on them. John Locke, an enlightenment thinker, stated that “all persons are endowed with natural rights to life, liberty and property” and that “rulers who fail to protect these rights may be removed by the people, by force if necessary.” We can see that the Declaration of Independence took inspirations from these statements because in the Declaration it states “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness,” it also emphasizes that the government cannot take natural rights, and “We the People” can over power the government and institute a new government that works better. Locke also spoke out for the rights of thought, speech, and religion. This is reflected in the U.S Constitution in the Bill of Rights under the first amendment where it says “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…”
c) The Framers believed that the best form of government is one that provides leadership, protection, and services for its citizens. They wanted to ensure that the government did not exceed its power, and to protect their citizens rights. These purposes were developed/inspired through enlightenment philosophy. Enlightenment philosophers - like John Locke and Thomas Hobbes - believed that people form governments in order to ensure their interests, at a cost of giving up some liberty in exchange for cooperation. They also believed that people had human rights. These ideals were later instituted into papers like the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, which ensured the rights of the citizens.