And yet, for all their worries, what would we do without the ladies? (The women do not unbend.) ... it characterizes the County Attorney as someone desirous of showing respect to women, even if he does not mean it. Read the excerpt from part one of Trifles. HALE.
The disagreement in this sentence is misplaced modifier.
A modifier, as the name suggests, is a word or phrase used to modify another element mentioned in the sentence. For that reason, <u>modifiers tend to stand close to the word they refer to in order to avoid ambiguity.</u> <u>A misplaced modifier happens</u> when ambiguity is not avoided. <u>The modifier is placed incorrectly, too far from the word it refers to</u>, which makes it difficult to understand and connect the ideas.
<u>In the sentence we are analyzing here "[s]unny yet dusty" is a misplaced modifier. It makes no sense for the word "sunny" to refer to "traveler" in this context. That means this modifier refers to "destination", but is too far away from it in the structure. One way to correct it is:</u>
The traveler finally arrived at her destination, which was sunny yet dusty.
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