A. Americans found that they could survive a war with a European power.
New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania
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Humans often use language, the most powerful symbol, to take part in cultural transmission —that is, to share what they know, think, and experience.
<u>Language is one of the most important aspects of human life and experience. </u>It can be expressed in many forms, orally, written, signally, tactile, etc. and it always uses a set of various symbols in different forms.
Language is one of the main qualities of humans as intelligent species, and <u>its sharing, transmission, and development are in charge of developing civilizations</u>. Thanks to the language, people could finally share and develop their ideas, values, and knowledge. With this, they became more intelligent and progressed, managing to increase the improvement of the society.
It is an example of technology because the automobile is technology. <span />