I think only twice but I'm not for sure
A: Force is mass times acceleration, or F= m x a. This means an object with a larger mass needs a stronger force to be moved along at the same acceleration as an object with a small mass. This is Newton's Second Law of Motion
Answer:Earth is constantly changing as energy flows through the system. Geologic, fossil, and ice records provide evidence of significant changes throughout Earth's history. These changes are always associated with changes in the flow of energy through the Earth system. Both living and non- living processes have contributed to this change.
Explanation:that will help you
Primatology is the study of primates' behavior. This is an important science for evolution and human behavioral genesis comprehension. It is also very important to keep these species in freedom and take good care of those animals that are in captivity by keeping in optimum conditions their environment.
Primatology approximation seems to be each time more interdisciplinary, abording it from both the Biological Sciences and the Social and Human Sciences. Different social areas are involved, such as philosophy, anthropology, psychology, among others.
Primatology extends from the anatomy of the primates ancestors to field studies about behavior and the ecology of the current species. It studies the philosophy of primates and their language. Primate language drives to the knowledge about humanity ancestors.