C the earth because that is the only planet around so he thought that the sun and everything else rotated around us.
Density - Calculated from measurements of mass and volume
Atom - the basic particle of matter
Motion - calculated from measurements of distance and time
Energy - can change form and move matter
Can't see the last one but you know process of elimination soo
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<span>It took over 200 years for the "cell theory" to be formalized and accepted. Hooke and Leeuwenhoek were early microscopist's.... but at the time the nature of matter, the belief in spontaneous generation, and the idea there were little worlds within little worlds ad infinitinum was popular. The discovery of the periodic table and establishment that atoms were real, the demolishing of spontaneous generation, all happened at the time that Schwann and Schleiden (and others) were working with better microscopes, better ideas about the material world, and better observations...... thus the cell theory.