advantages are of genetically modified plants are the desired traits it results in but also they well-grown fruits and vegitables will be plump, ripe and delicious.
talk to your teacher
talk to your teacher about your missing assignment. they will look for it for you, but if they can't find it, you might have to redo the assignment. they might also give you an exemption on the assignment, but that's unlikely.
if you're worried about talking to them face-to-face, you could email them.
The rigth answer is D.
The wavefront or wavefront is an equal phase surface of a wave, i.e., these points have the same travel time from the source. The concept is used to describe the propagation of waves such as sound or electromagnetic radiation (light, radio waves, etc.). In a homogeneous and isotropic medium, in which the waves propagate without deformation, two types of particular waves are distinguished according to whether the wavefronts are spheres (spherical wave) or planes (plane wave).