It is made by the removal of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom to formwater.
The correct answer is: Individuals that produce chemical compounds are better protected from herbivores and are able to produce more young than individuals that do not produce the compounds.
Natural selection acts on variations-differences in phenotype that exist among individuals. If a certain trait contribute more to survival and reproduction (individuals with that variant survive more than individuals with other variant), natural selection will favor that trait. In this case, production of chemical compounds is favored over non-producing trait.
A. Uniformitarianism
The principle of Uniformitarianism was proposed by a Scottish Geologist, James Hutton.
The principle is simply stated as "the present is the key to the past".
The processes that have occurred in geologic past is still in play today. By looking at rock sequences in our present day, we can actually have a firm grasp of the processes they have undergone in the past.
Sugars move from “source” to “sink” ... Sugars produced in sources, such as leaves, need to be delivered to growing parts of the plant via the phloem in a process called translocation, or movement of sugar. The points of sugar delivery, such as roots, young shoots, and developing seeds, are called sinks.
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