2 similarities. both have varied climates from tropical beaches to alpine ski resorts. Both have large land masses
Differences : political institution, ancestral heritage, colonial heritage and attitude to international law
Laborers who had previously worked on farms transitioned to working in factories. Cities became a source of poverty, illness and lacked housing due to the transient volumes
An effect of the Industrial Revolution was that the wages around the world got better, causing a rise or hike in the wages of the people. This also caused a betterment in the standard of living, more money and purchasing power increased, and this caused growth in the economy. Several historians agree that the Industrial Revolution was the most important indents of our history
Audre Lorde quickly became the best known out-of-the-closet Black radical lesbian feminist. Lorde deeply politicized every aspect of herself, including her fight with cancer. She was an African-American poet who wrote poetry exploring the relationships between lovers, children and parents, and friends in both a very personal and a socially relevant manner. She was a feminist poet who challenged racial and sexual stereotypes.
Ida Tarbell, a journalist who authored the book The History of Standard Oil exposed that Standard Oil has violated the Sherman Anti-trust Act(competition law) which led to Rockefeller Oil company break-up. According to her investigative journalism, Rockefeller has been practicing illegal, unfair and immoral business strategies.