The voter is said to vote a <u>split ticket</u>.
Split ticket voting occurs when a voter chooses to vote candidates from different political parties into different offices in the same election.
An example is <u>voting a Republican as President of the United States, and in the same election, going ahead to vote a Democrat into the Senate.</u>
A voter may choose to do this for any number of reasons, one of which may include trying to ensure a check and balance on the power of the presidency.
I do not have a problem with Federal government having access to my personal data or information, because its for my own benefit. Personally, I do not think there's anything concerning my life I'd want conceal or hide , especially if its crucial to sustaining our society's safety and stability. Moreover, I would not want to take any chance, because critical threats are inevitable and always a possibility to take into consideration. As they always say, better safe than sorry.
The legislative branch or legislature is a deliberative assembly that has the exclusive authority to create laws for a political entity such as a country or city, in addition to administering the state budget