Un fantome = A ghost, Un balai = A broom, Une citrouille = A pumpkin
Un bonbon = A candy, Une sorciere = A witch, Un loup garou = werewolf
Une lune = A moon, Un char noir = A black cat, Un hibou = A owl
Un monstre = A monster , Un masque = A mask , Un squelette = A skeleton
Je m'apelle = My name is .....
Emily, "I thought we was planing a party for mom." John said to her because Mother's day is one day away and they haven't done anything for it. John, "I got mom her gift its u the one who was supposed to be putting the party together." John didn't say anything because he went to the store and start looking for cards for his mom just in case he didn't finish the party on time. But after that, he went right to work. He realized that he had no place to have the party and it was too late to rent a building so he diced to do it in his family cabin where a pretty waterfall fall's behind it. He put up all the party things he even made most of them because he was on a budget. Then on his way home, he forgot that he and his sister both had to get her there without the mom knowing. So they told her they were going out to eat and they blindfolded her so she won't see where they were going. When they got there everything was perfect except they didn't have any food. So the sister took the car to go ta fast food restaurant to get food and the mom was in the car with the blindfold on. When the Surprised was finally ready they yelled "Happy Mothers Day."
<span>Ton collège est comment?
Mon collège est grand.
Qu’est-ce que tu vas étudier demain?
Demain je vais étudier le français, les mathématiques et l'histoire.
Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans ton collège?
Dans mon collège il y a beaucoup de classe, un terrain de sport et de la verdure.
Qu’est-ce que tu as fait hier au collège?</span>
Hier matin au collège j'ai eu un cours de chimie, de géographie et d'anglais, l'après-midi j'ai fait du tennis et du basket.
Question 2:
À quelles réponses faciles as-tu répondu ?
lesquelles questions faciles as-tu répondu ?
Question 3:
quelle employée est habillée en rouge ?
de quelle employé habillée en rouge nous parlons ?
Question 4:
Quel chef a une moustache ?
de quel chef a t-il peur ?
Question 5:
Quelle lettre de recommandation avons nous lu ce matin ?
de quelle lettre de recommandation avons nous lu ce matin ?