1 - Scale is difficult in photographs because sometimes there's no reference in it to say how big the object/person portrayed is.
2- He suggests using a reference, like a person for example, that you know for sure the height or something that you know the size so you can make the comparison and find what's your scale.
3 - Negative space is the space surrounding the main subject in your photography. It helps you to notice the depht of it.
4- The "fabric" mentioned are the basic aspects of photography and the skills you must learn with it.
5- He means that he crops the pictures he takes to smaller sizes. You have to be careful when doing so because you can lose the meaning of your picture by cutting important elements of it.
6- Camera tilt creates many different effects depending on what do you intend to do with it. It can be very effective when taking vertical photographs but on landscapes it might be a little bit unnecessary. It's up to you as a photographer to decide if it's useful or not.
7- He means that the light is a very important element that could change your whole photograph. It's all about the best lighting and angles to make someone look thinner for example.
8- The tilt effect ir probably one of the most useful tips for me as an amateur photographer, but also the cropping. This way you can select pretty much everything you want to show.