You seem to be giving a statement more than asking a question, but the period you describe ran from about 1815 to 1825, and is most closely associated with the presidency of James Monroe.
The phrase "Era of Good Feelings" was coined by a journalist, Benjamin Russell, in the Boston newspaper, <em>Columbian Centinel</em>, on July 12, 1817. Russell used that term to describe the new era taking shape, especially as Monroe's presidency began, after Monroe visited Boston as part of a goodwill tour of the US. President Monroe certainly went along with the description and was trying to evoke that "good feelings" sort of mood in the country. Historians see "The Era of Good Feelilngs" as having begun around 1815, after the War of 1812 and the end of Napoleon's wars in Europe, when the United States entered an era when it could focus on its own affairs and not need to be concerned about political and military happenings in Europe. The "Era of Good Feelings" is strongly associated with Monroe's two-term presidency, from 1817 to 1825. President Monroe made goodwill tours of the country in 1817 and 1819 to promote national pride and national unity.
On June 25, 1950, the Korean Warbegan when North Korea, supported by the Soviet Union and China, invaded South Korea, which was supported by the United States. General MacArthur, leader of the United Nations forces, drove the North Koreans back across the divide, yet encountered a Chinese invasion.
Basically, the U.S was a fellow supporter of south korea, and that's how they got included.
Your answer is: Gran Bretaña, Francia y Europa
Hope this helped : )
Espero que esto haya ayudado :)
Paying employees less then their contract they signed to. Making them work multiple looms at one time i instead of one or two.
He was accused of handing secrete documents to the Imperial German military. And well, he was sentenced to prison for life for treason and deported to Devil's island.